Laboratory Facilities Services

Soil-Mat Engineers offers a wide range of services during construction and operates a material lab that is maintained to the current industry standards. Once construction is underway, our extensive experience and innovative thinking allows our clients to deal with challenges in a practical, hands-on manner to keep their project on track and verify construction meets the project specifications. Soil-Mat Engineers provides a wide range of in house laboratory services including:
Soils and Aggregate Testing: CCIL Type C+D Soil and Aggregate Laboratory
- Proctor Testing [Standard and Modified]
- Grain Size Analyses; Sieve and Hydrometer
- Atterberg Limits Listing
- Hydraulic Conductivity
- Triaxial Testing
- Consolidation Testing
- Estimation of Percolation Rate [T-time] for Septic Systems
Concrete Testing: CCIL Type Q Concrete Testing Laboratory
- Concrete curing fog room
- Unconfined compressive strength testing on concrete test cylinders, mortar, grout, and bedrock core samples
- Flexural Testing of Concrete
- Slab Moisture Emission and Relative Humidity Testing
- Rapid Chloride Penetrability Testing [MTO referee lab]