Geotechnical Investigation Services

In order for engineers to properly design foundations and plan for a new development, a detailed understanding of the soil, groundwater, and bedrock conditions is crucial. Soil-Mat Engineers specialises in efficiently conducting the necessary investigations required to support a wide variety of projects ranging from single family dwellings to large scale residential subdivisions, low, mid, and high-rise condominiums, commercial/industrial developments, landfills, municipal infrastructure, bridges, and many more.
Our services include:
- Investigations via the advancement of test excavations and boreholes including Standard Penetration Testing [SPT] and Cone Penetration testing [CPT]
- Geotechnical investigations to support foundation design for conventional spread footings, deep foundations including caissons, helical piers, micropiles, driven/friction piles, etc., as well as ground improvement methodologies
- Establish soil and groundwater conditions during construction of new developments
- Assessments for new residential structures including design of foundations, in-situ testing for the design of infiltration galleries and septic systems
- Consolidation TestingSlope stability assessments
- Hydrogeological studies including pump tests to assess groundwater quality and quantity for residential, commercial and industrial development in potable groundwater conditions, construction dewatering, etc.
- Water well studies and surveys
- Forensic Investigations
- Development of parameters for the design and construction of storm water management facilities, underground storage, and ponds
- Investigations to support design of direction drilling, tunnelling, jack and bore operations, as well as excavation shoring, including associated monitoring and testing during construction